Best Weapons in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree (2024)

Best Weapons in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree

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What do y’all think is the best weapon in the game now? r/Eldenring • 1New Thrusting shields are the strongest weapons in the entire game and it's not even close. NG+ DLC was absolutely obliterated. Thrusting shields can be enchanted with any affinity/damage type that makes them extremely versatile. And it's just so much fun to slap the grace out of every single boss!r/Eldenring • 2What weapon are you taking with you into Shadow of the Erdtree?r/Eldenring • 3

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Best Weapons in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree (5)What Redditors are Saying

Best Weapons in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree


  • Star Fist and Mohgwyn Sacred Spear are considered strong weapons [1:1]
  • Lightning-infused Dryleaf Gauntlets are versatile and powerful [2:1]
  • Devonia's Hammer/Black Steel Greathammer and Death Knight's Longhaft Axe are favorites [1:1]
  • Thrusting shields are highly regarded and can be enchanted with various damage types [2:1]

Best Weapons

Opinions on the best weapons in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree varied across the discussions. Some players favored the Star Fist and Mohgwyn Sacred Spear, considering them extremely powerful [1:1]. The Lightning-infused Dryleaf Gauntlets were also highly regarded for their versatility [2:1].

Other notable weapons mentioned include Devonia's Hammer/Black Steel Greathammer, Death Knight's Longhaft Axe, and various straight swords like Lordsworn Straight Sword and Alabaster Lord's Sword [1:1][3:9].

Thrusting Shields

Thrusting shields were highlighted as some of the strongest weapons in the game. These shields can be enchanted with different damage types, making them versatile options for players [2:1]. They were praised for their effectiveness against bosses and their ability to deal stagger damage [2:2].

New Weapon Types

The DLC introduced new weapon types, including light greatswords, martial arts, beast claws, perfume bottles, reverse grip swords, throwing daggers, great katanas, and dueling shields [5:9]. These new weapons brought fresh gameplay styles and movesets to the game.

Impressions and Hands-On

Various news outlets and influencers provided hands-on impressions of Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree. The DLC was described as big, dense, and offering around 30-50 hours of playtime [5:1]. However, it's important to note that these impressions are subjective and based on limited gameplay experiences.

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Best Weapons in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree (21)POST SUMMARY • [1]


What do y’all think is the best weapon in the game now?

Posted by Andromeda-OC · in r/Eldenring · 28 days ago


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Best Weapons in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree (25)ORIGINAL POST

With the recent nerfs to Blasphemous Blade and Dark Moon Greatsword, what do y’all think is the new best weapon in the game? I think star fist and Mohgwyn sacred spear are insanely good at the moment. For DLC weapons I’ve been enjoying the Milady and Rellana’s twin blades.

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Anonymous · 28 days ago

Lightning infused dryleaf gauntlets.

Not because of their stats, but because now you've turned into Heihachi from Tekken and therefore are the superior specimen by default


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Striking-Wasabi-1229 · 28 days ago

These can low-key be really good with a bleed build and the dry leaf whirlwind kick AoW (can't remember the name).

You can hit insanely fast and the AoW lets you hit multiple enemies if they are grouped up.


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angusmcfangus1 · 27 days ago

Im more of a fan of fully going into it with both the fists and the footwork. Having the fists with cold damage and the footwork with fire damage. Works extremely well on most bosses and enemies. Stacking it with the dryleaf whirlwhind aow you proc forst in one ow and a r2 on most bosses its crazy


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Puzzleheaded-Dog-567 · 28 days ago

It Is even strong enough to still deal dmg to holy resistant bosses with the Ash of war, goated weapon


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Adept-Leopard-7150 · 28 days ago

I've beaten the dlc with this weapon, I have also utilized blind spot as a dodge + damage on the final chain of hit combo from bosses.


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DriveByUppercut · 28 days ago

Do Hornsent’s quest for the most busted Ash of war Swift Slash for backhands only. It’s gonna get nerfed hard.


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LJMLogan · 28 days ago

Don't forget best in class stance damage, and Great Club's moveset


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SlaveKnightLance · 27 days ago

This was so cringe…I thought it was cool he did a fist only run then I saw him kill Dancing Lion and Rellena in under 5 tries and I was like what? Looked at his damage and he was doing more with 1 R1 than I was with charged R2 collosal great sword. I had to say “hold on a minute this guy is cheesing lol”


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CantTochThis92 · 28 days ago

This boss pissed me the f*ck off last night and after I beat it I grabbed the weapon and went to bed immediately. I haven’t found a str/fai weapon I’ve wanted to use since the hammer. I’m definitely trying this one.


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Atreides-42 · 28 days ago

I was Scadutree Level 15 fighting it, and it died in like seven Blasphemous Blade L2s.

Not seven per healthbar, mind you, seven total. Such a goated weapon.


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kithlan · 27 days ago

Devonia's Hammer/Black Steel Greathammer and Death Knight's Longhaft Axe were my favorite new weapons to use, alongside my mainstay Siluria's Spear


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true_fruits · 28 days ago

I swear to god I'm using this weapon out of pure spite for the boss!


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Best Weapons in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree (26)r/Eldenring • [2]


New Thrusting shields are the strongest weapons in the entire game and it's not even close. NG+ DLC was absolutely obliterated. Thrusting shields can be enchanted with any affinity/damage type that makes them extremely versatile. And it's just so much fun to slap the grace out of every single boss!

Posted by DamnHare · in r/Eldenring · 23 days ago


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juliet_liima · 22 days ago

My first run finished last night - for about 75% of the game I was running a Golden Greatshield with a Lordsworn Straight Sword. I was wondering why I was having an easy time!

Swapped to the Claymore for the last 25% of the game and it was still pretty fun - but I was nearing max Scadutree upgrade so the game felt normal in terms of difficulty.

Had to Verdigris/Antspur the last boss because I can't handle that level of nonsense - a clear's a clear, but I'm looking forward to figuring it out.


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Yipeekayya · 22 days ago

greatshield talisman, two-handed talisman, spear talisman, double turtle talisman.

it just slaps.

edit: add the double to the turtle talisman 😏


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red-x-der · 22 days ago

What Ash of war should I put on it? I’ve never infused a weapon before


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Additional-Age-6478 · 22 days ago

Would rotten winged sword insignia and milicents prothesis also work well?


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strixnebulosa5 · 22 days ago

There's 2 in the DLC. Both found in the shadow keep


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RChamy · 22 days ago

Cross Naginata shield poke is OP AF in the DLC. Most bosses can be bleed+cold poked to death. Specially with the new sekiro tear


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asdiele · 22 days ago

It's so stupid, they made a whole moveset for the weapon but the best way to play it is to spam a single attack over and over. It looks incredibly boring.

Hopefully they fix this in a patch and buff the actual attacks a bit.


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Mgsfan10 · 21 days ago

what is poke? and where can i find the most powerful shield in the game? thank you


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Fit-Dentist6093 · 22 days ago

I used the dueling shield with cragblade for Gaius and Messmer but for the final boss the holy protection was not enough even with holy infusion. For phase 2 of the final boss I have the holy infused black steel greatshield. I never died summoned for help and I beat him spamming meteoric ore greatsword AoW but with help with someone that had the fingerprint shield and a bleed rapier.


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Jstar338 · 22 days ago

Greatshield talisman and shield grease


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MrBeanDaddy86 · 22 days ago

Okay I'm convinced on trying these when I do the DLC. I have a Dex-based shield poke guy who's frankly terrible that I was going to respec into strength. Do the new shields scale better on dex, though?


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DropkickGoose · 22 days ago

God I want that Carian rapier to be fixed/buffed. Sword sorceries are by far my favorite way to play the game, having an actual sword you can use and have piercing thrust to get through blocks, deal actual stagger damage, and riposte with sound amazing. But as it is, it deals half the damage compared to just a Academy staff. Big sadge.


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Best Weapons in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree (30)r/Eldenring • [3]


What weapon are you taking with you into Shadow of the Erdtree?

Posted by GalaxyGalavanter · in r/Eldenring · 8 months ago

Best Weapons in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree (31)


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Mingismungis · 8 months ago

Right, OP left out the best weapon in the game


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Indishonorable · 8 months ago

correct, I don't see Alabaster Lord's Sword anywhere.


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Jon2046 · 8 months ago

I honestly don’t understand the hype, it does less damage than the greatsword and it’s ash of ear does less damage than the blasphemous blade’s aow


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The_Dragon346 · 8 months ago

The sword ive had with me since day one. Lordsworn straight sword. It has yet to fail me once


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vjurd · 8 months ago


Straight swords are so good and versatile. Some people really overlook these weapons just because they are not the flashiest.


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Tyraniboah89 · 8 months ago

I feel that way about the Claymore but it carries a sense of notoriety since everyone has loved it for a decade now lol. But yes straight swords are always fantastic.

I’m hoping they improve the two quality builds in str/dex and especially int/fai with more weapons, better scaling, or even new elements to improve said scaling. I love quality in Dark Souls, whether I’m using any and every weapon or any and every spell. I miss the days of hexing and pyromancies running off both, then altering my weapon to go that route too


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grummy_gram · 8 months ago


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DeathAngel_97 · 8 months ago

Been some of the most reliable weapons in every souls game. In DS3 a longsword with stance and a 100% neg weapon art shield could counter pretty much any other build in the game. Sadly I forsook the classic in elden ring when I first started cause PvP balancr was horrendous at first but maybe I'll give it another try.


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ArachnidFun8918 · 8 months ago

Best choice. Add "Quality" with "Sacred blade" ontop of that and you have my Dex/strg/faith build.

This weapon never disappointed in any way possible. It hits hard, has great reach, looks good, it has great poise damage, and it is the best straight sword for me.


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chop_pooey · 8 months ago

I got ahold of that thing yesterday and equipped it just to see it's move set and AoW. After like 30 seconds I decided this was going to be my NG+ weapon. The charged heavy is cool af


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sadpotatoes-_- · 8 months ago

Should be in instead of axe of godfrey due its S scaling in strength. Axe of godfrey is more of a quality weapon than pure strength


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Redacted_G1iTcH · 8 months ago

It counts as a strength and arcane weapon, right? It has decent strength scaling too


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Best Weapons in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree (35)r/Eldenring • [4]


Which new weapon type do you look forward the most?

Posted by citromancer · in r/Eldenring · 5 months ago


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StronkAx · 5 months ago

Ultra Great Colossal weapon


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Majin2buu · 5 months ago

I want great flails, ultra great flails, great scythes, ultra great scythes.


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Alkhazix · 5 months ago

MONK WEAPONS! Seriously, always been a bit saddened by the fist weapons in fromsoft games. now going from caestus to triple kick jump. I'm really hyped for these. Interested about the L1 throwing weapons too, but generally it'll be the monk weapons. I hope they have cool movesets too, besides just the Ash of War which the triple kick likely is.


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JasoTheArtisan · 5 months ago

High Monk in my Elden Ring?

It’s more likely than you think


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UnXpectedPrequelMeme · 5 months ago

Hell yeah now I can finally be chuck Norris as the true elden lord


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RebootGigabyte · 5 months ago

Monster Hunter Longsword style Katana I bet.


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MsMinte · 5 months ago

based on a real thing. an extremely obscure and goofy exclusively-duelling weapon, but real, shown in hans talhoffer manual


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PizzaPastaRigatoni · 5 months ago

Why wouldn't these already exist? Odachi are thick and proportioned well. The nagakiba looks like sephiroths sword and is already in the game.


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MsMinte · 5 months ago

hopefully a longass katana that has a proportionate handle and moveset. i want to love naga but its so goofy


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nsfw6669 · 5 months ago

That's whats I was thinking. A strength scaling katana like the odachi from Nioh


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Rionaks · 5 months ago

Dont know if it's holy powered or not but it was a gatling gun crossbow for sure.


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analbeadsinadog · 5 months ago

minor erdtree as a weapon


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Best Weapons in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree (40)r/Games • [5]


Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree Hands-on and Impressions Thread

Posted by Turbostrider27 · in r/Games · 1 month ago

Various news outlets and influencers posted their hands-on impressions today for Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree:


PS Blog:

Xbox Wire











RPG Site

Automaton West


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Next_Marionberry_745 · 1 month ago

  • 8 new weapon types
  • 100+ new weapons
  • previews were able to play 2 legacy dungeons, but they said there's more and a lot of hidden areas
  • at least 10 new major big bosses, but there's plenty of side minor bosses too in side dungeons and roaming the overworld
  • dlc shadow of the erdtree first area is close in size to limgrave+wheeping peninsula+a little bit of caelid, it's big, it's dense
  • 30~50h playtime for this expansion if you rush
  • there's no recommended level, but it seems that between 120~150 is a safe bet, considering that people normally beat mohg and malenia at 120~130.
  • they did it again, more elden ring means more greatness.

From miyazaki recent interviews:

"Hidetaka Miyazaki says Shadow of the Erdtree had to be big, because he wanted Elden Ring players 'to experience that sense of discovery and that sense of wonder' all over again"


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NoL_Chefo · 1 month ago

dlc shadow of the erdtree first area is close in size to limgrave+wheeping peninsula+a little bit of caelid, it's big, it's dense

Classic Miyazaki undersell, says DLC area is "roughly the size of limgrave", makes Elden Ring 2


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Zoesan · 1 month ago

He also said Elden Ring would take about 30h.


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Anshin · 1 month ago

dlc shadow of the erdtree first area is close in size to limgrave+wheeping peninsula+a little bit of caelid, it's big, it's dense

Tf you mean "first area"?

How big can this dlc possibly be?


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SeniorWalrus · 1 month ago

Well, the time between the DLC and and the base game is about the same time between dark souls games. They probably could’ve called this Elden Ring 2.


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ExpressBall1 · 1 month ago

the 8 new weapon types, for anyone interested:

  • light greatswords
  • martial arts
  • beast claws
  • perfume bottles (no fp or consumables required? Sounds crazy)
  • reverse grip swords
  • throwing daggers
  • great katanas
  • duelling shields


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SmugCapybara · 1 month ago

"Light Greatswords" - isn't that just Straight Swords? Like, what's the niche here?


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Justhe3guy · 1 month ago

I’ll take a guess

It’s big but lighter and faster than normal greatswords, still great sweeping attacks

But still slower than straight swords


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Lazydusto · 1 month ago

"Ah damn, all of these straight swords are too light and short, but all of these greatswords are too heavy and long! Whatever shall I do?"


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ExpressBall1 · 1 month ago

looks like they're the size of a greatsword, but much more agile. Seems they do some crazy, fast, fluid looking combos that look pretty satisfying by just pressing 1 button a few times. They could almost have been a monk-style staff type of weapon instead, with how agile they look.


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clownsinadarkforest · 1 month ago

Great katanas.........oh baby we monster hunting


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ExpressBall1 · 1 month ago

yeah but those were consumables and very limited. Just sending out 1 plume of flame required grinding materials for it, so pretty tedious to use if you weren't duping materials. Whereas with these you just press r1 and it sends out a similar style of attack for free, so it's an actual viable, equip-able weapon now.

Hopefully there might even be different variations that send out poison clouds or death clouds or something.


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Best Weapons in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree (44)r/pcgaming • [6]


Miyazaki says don't worry, the shiny new weapons in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree shouldn't outpace your old favourites

Posted by JamesK883 · in r/pcgaming · 1 month ago


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northzone13 · 1 month ago

One of the main issues I had with my 40 hr playthrough of ER was that I got really bored with my upgraded main weapon. I had some other options but they all were so weak and I just couldn't be arsed to upgrade them all over again to get bored with them lol


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barryredfield · 1 month ago

This is why the whole idea of "so many builds to try" is ultimately pretty boring in Elden Ring. There's a great number of weapons to try, but not even anywhere near enough upgrade materials for them.


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bundaya · 1 month ago


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ivebeenabadbadgirll · 1 month ago

Sword of Night and Flame gang assemblllle


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Morrowney · 1 month ago

Wings of Astel and magic infused clayman's harpoon are both great


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Hephaistos_Invictus · 1 month ago

Claymans harpoon with the ice spear ash of war is probably still my fav weapon!

(Isn't it a str/int weapon though? I can't remember having played a Dex/int character but I've used that spear A LOT)


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wetcoffeebeans · 1 month ago

Isn't wings of astel the mace/flail weapon you get from fighting that weird ass eldritch space baby beast??


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PM_FORBUTTSTUFF · 1 month ago

Guardian Swordspear is good early game (though you might have to farm). Once you get to Leyndell grab Bolt of Gransaxx, IMO the best part of dex builds and up there with the other top tier weapons since you can be hyper mobile around boss arenas and sniper for huge damage


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PinnySkeniz · 1 month ago

I wish they'd buff the carian knight sword. I put the carian grandeur ash of war on a maxed regular longsword with magic and get more damage due to the better int scaling. If they made the carian knight sword maybe charge grandeur faster or scale purely with int and strength, I think it'd be amazing


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novinho_zerinho · 1 month ago

Bloodhound's Fang

I don't know if this is the best place to ask, but I really got sick of the game because of this weapon, can anyone tell me what a viable replacement would be? I have 60 hours of gameplay. I tested hammers, some swords, but nothing seems as powerful as spamming Bloodhound Finesse.

At this point in the game I don't know how to find another weapon as good, but I also can't stand it anymore.

Edit: thank you guys for the tips


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zackdaniels93 · 1 month ago

As good as Bloodhounds Fang? Not too many. Nightrider's Glaive, Uchigatana, Moonveil, Moonlight Greatsword, Ruin's Greatsword, Blasphemous Blade, Godslayer's Greatsword are all around the same level, but aren't as easy to obtain.

But Elden Ring can be beaten with every weapon. With the right build, and the right weapon upgrades, almost all of them (barring bows) can be good (seriously don't use bows)


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Miami_Vice-Grip · 1 month ago

Dual curved swords. Lightning infusion (comes from a later-area whetblade). Talismans/buffs that improve rapid attack damage. Highest DPS I've seen without status effects


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Best Weapons in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree (49)r/Games • [7]


Director Miyazaki Discusses Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree - New Weapons, Approach to Difficulty, GRRM’s Involvement, and More

Posted by Tesg9029 · in r/Games · 4 months ago


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malinaoblata · 4 months ago

One thing I'd love to see one day is GRRM's myth published. Something like his Fire & Blood would be amazing. I am on the opinion he did much more than a lot of the playerbase gives him credit for and would love to see how he approached the worldbuilding. The lore of this game is quite juicy and one of the best parts for me was just seeing all the nods and callbacks to the past. For me this game goes much deeper than any other From's title in that regard and I don't see it without Martin laying some pretty dope foundations.


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Miles_Ravis_303 · 4 months ago

sorry to be that guy, but Bandai Namco already said they wanted to publish the whole work of GRRM as novels, but FromSoftware president Hidetaka Miyazaki said it would destroy the whole point of the game that is leaving players have their own headcanon, and now Elden Ring IP is fully owned by FromSoftware so chances are slim to say at least


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haidere36 · 4 months ago

Do you have a source for that? From what I understand Martin has self-admittedly done more of an outline for the world of Elden Ring and its lore than anything close to a full novel, and no one has ever claimed that he was responsible for writing the game itself as a whole.


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MASHED_POTATOES_MF · 4 months ago

Development for Shadow of the Erdtree DLC started after Elden Ring's release, exploring elements that didn't fit into the main game.

The DLC takes place in the Realm of Shadow, focusing on the past of Queen Marika and the land's history.

New character Messmer, described as a hero, is central to the DLC's story.

George R. R. Martin's involvement in the DLC's story is akin to the main game's.

The DLC is larger than any previous DLC, featuring a new field, dungeons, and bosses.

Access to the DLC is via a warp in Mohg's boss room, and progression within it doesn't affect the main game's ending.

New gameplay elements include a leveling system unique to the DLC and new weapons, magic, and ashes of war.

New weapons introduced in the DLC include eight entirely new weapon types, such as the Tachi, swords held backwards, a melee weapon allowing monk-like combat, the "Dueling Shield" enabling simultaneous attack and defense, and throwing knives converting all attacks into projectiles.

There are currently no plans for further DLC beyond Shadow of the Erdtree.


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NinjaXI · 4 months ago

Tyvm, you rock.

Love that there seems to be a decent variety of new weapons and types. The "monk-like combat" is something we see a glimpse of in the trailer and I was already interested in that, but swords held backwards are also my jam.


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PM_ME_CUTE_SM1LE · 4 months ago

there is nothing more badass than dual weilding 2 swords backwards. cant wait


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Carfrito · 4 months ago

“Swords held backwards” damn that’s another 60 hours I’m about to pump into this game


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ChaosWarrior01 · 4 months ago

The whole attack power thing is weird. I feel like they need to show some examples or something, cause I can't wrap my head around how a Sekiro style power stat that increased linearly is supposed to work applied to all the different potential builds a game like Elden Ring had. Is it just a basic damage modifier to damage dealt and received? Does it scale your stats or something? Heck, does it affect what gear you can equip, or does the DLC still rely on core stats for that and this power rating doesn't matter at all? There are a lot of questions I have, especially since FromSoft doesn't exactly have the best track record with balancing their systems.


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benoxxxx · 4 months ago

Best guess I've seen is that all bosses, maybe enemies too, will have a hidden resistance modifier. Eg, they take 10% of the normal damage that your build would deal. But by collecting 'attack power' you can gradually bring this back to 100%. The fights at the start of the DLC, you'll hardly notice it, because they're like level 40 enemies with a big defense buff, and you're 150, so they feel on par. But late game DLC would be like trying to fight Mogh at level 30, because they're level 150ish enemies with a huge defense buff.

Honestly, it's such a good idea. I've been worried that the DLC would be a cakewalk for my high level characters. This solves that issue, and adds a sense of real power progression that would have been totally impossible on a LVL 150 build that's already hit softcaps.


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ToleranceCamper · 4 months ago

My interpretation: Each weapon brought into the DLC area will deal damage to monsters (in the DLC) at assigned base values that are assigned to that specific weapon, and disregard any +X upgrades.

Each weapon’s damage, while in the DLC area, would then increase (scale up, or multiplied by) the DLC’s power increase for accomplishing various milestones (for boss kills, discovery, etc…).

This would translate to all players needing to overcome (mostly) a similar level of challenge.

On DLC weapons and PVP: I do wonder how well non-DLC players – limited to non-DLC – will compete against players with fully upgraded DLC weapons? Hopefully it’s (eventually) balanced.


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haidere36 · 4 months ago

I think resetting any amount of player progress for the DLC would be way too much work and be too much of a feel bad.

I think the simplest solution by far is to just have attack power boosts be the equivalent of adding +1 to your equipped weapon. This means that any amount of stat investment and upgrade levels by the player in the base game still matter, and all builds receive the same benefit from having an attack power boost.

IMO the real simplest solution would be to uncap weapon upgrade level in order to allow weapons to go beyond +25. But there are two big problems with that. The first is that doing so would cheapen Ancient Dragon Smithing Stones as the ultimate reward in the base game, and the second is that it would throw off the base game balance too much.

So basically, "+25 weapon & 1 attack power boost = +26 weapon". No need to manually rebalance any weapons or reset player progress.


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Jondev1 · 4 months ago

Is it just a basic damage modifier to damage dealt and received?

I would assume it is something along these lines. And that seems to me like a pretty reasonable way of adding progression into a dlc that people are coming into with fully built characters already.


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Best Weapons in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree (53)r/Eldenring • [8]


I Played Shadow of the Erdtree, AMA!

Posted by OroboroTheNinja · in r/Eldenring · 1 month ago

I was fortunate enough to get invited out by FromSoftware and Bandai Namco to their preview event in LA where I got to play 3 hours of Shadow of the Erdtree, AMA!


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Mechagodzilla777 · 1 month ago

Doubt it. Only a select few YouTubers were able to get in lol, unless you're someone like vaati, smoughtown, or oro-.. Ah. I see, right this way, sir.

Jokes aside, what weapon/spell would you say was your favorite? Personally that bear claw weapon looked the most fun to me, followed by the light greatsword that was shown, Milady I believe it was. I value fun movesets over raw damage.

Also, know anything about this rumored dragon transformation? I've seen a few mentions of it, but no sources.


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jeno_aran · 1 month ago

fun movesets over raw damage

Which weapons in the game now do you like the most for this?

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Mechagodzilla777 · 1 month ago

Mainly claws and two handed twinblades, especially the godskin peeler. Curved greatswords in general as well, and the ornamental straight swords, specifically after the ash of war is used.


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OroboroTheNinja · 1 month ago

The Hand-to-Hand weapon, Dryleaf Arts, were definitely my favorite. A lot of the moveset reminded me of Bone Fist from Dark Souls 2, and I absolutely loved it! For spells, I really loved Knight's Lightning Spear. It threw out penta lightning bolts and did SO MUCH STAGGER-it's definitely going to be a favorite.

As for the dragon transformation, I saw it with my own eyes! I got invaded by "Ancient Dragon Man". He looked more like the Dark Souls 2 transformation than anything, but I'm not sure if it's just an armor set or an actual transformation-time will tell!


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Beginning-Ring2349 · 1 month ago

was the weapon class for dryleaf arts literally called 'hand-to-hand'? so its not a weapon but literally a sekiro 'art'? pretty unorthodox for a souls-like


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Mechagodzilla777 · 1 month ago

Ancient Dragon Man, lmao. What a name. Well I'm definitely looking forward to it! I just hope the transformation (if it is one) is better than the dark souls versions. If it's just armor, slightly disappointing but I'd still absolutely wear it.


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DagonParty · 1 month ago

Thanks for AMA!

I don’t want to know all too much at all, but, I have been really curious about armor variety. Did you find much at all in your 3 hours?

Thanks :)


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OroboroTheNinja · 1 month ago

I found about 6 armor sets, and they were all incredible-Elden Bling is real in the DLC Best Weapons in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree (57)


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VioletBloodyFinger · 1 month ago

If you had to compare Relanna and the Dancing Lion to any base game bosses difficulty wise, who would they be?


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syyzyygyy · 1 month ago

Hello, thank you for the AMA! I'm curious, can the perfume weapons be infused? The footage showed fire and ice perfume; are there any other kinds you saw? Any that scaled with arcane?


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OroboroTheNinja · 1 month ago

I believe they can be infused, yes! By default, they came with the Kick Ash of War. I only found the two as well, but considering it's an entire new weapon type I imagine there will be lots more!


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dvlsg · 1 month ago

Do you remember what sort of scaling they had? I'm also curious about whether they had some that innately scaled with arcane.


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Best Weapons in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree (58)r/fromsoftware • [9]


Hot take: DS3 has cooler weapons than Elden Ring

Posted by Anonymous · in r/fromsoftware · 6 months ago

Farron Greatsword is so badass. A parry dagger with half decent frames and a cool ass spinning by Moveset, ringed city paired greatsword with a fire moon veil slash and a jumping magma explosion, ringed city straight sword with gwyns moveset, and Valorheart with a badass skill that can totally cancel out other weapon arts. Crow Quills with jumping throwing daggers and thrust. And I’m probably forgetting some, this game has crazy amount of weapons for how big it is. Twin princes sword too which has two different weapon arts.


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Lolejimmy · 6 months ago

ER has better looking/detailed ones easily, DS3 has some unique movesets that look good tho.

The details on some ER weapons (and other armor sets) are borderline impossible, here's a few in high quality:

also helps that it feels like you're actually swinging a hefty weapon in Elden Ring and not a broomstick:


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A1_wA1sh · 6 months ago

wtf is that first sword?


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aloha_mixed_nuts · 6 months ago

The writhing arms on the blasphemous blade are wild, I always stop near a wall to rotate the camera towards the sword. Sword of night and flame too, seriously the filigree relief is so f*cking cool!!


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arock0627 · 6 months ago


Elden Ring has a snake shield that does poison and a f*cking pizza cutter


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The_Hause · 6 months ago

Bloodbornes whirligig saw is so much better


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Lolejimmy · 6 months ago

Lies Of P's >>> Bloodborne's


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dinopraso · 6 months ago

IMHO every souls game has almost the exact same weapons. Not that I would know, since I always use the claymore though.


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Anonymous · 6 months ago

Bloodborne though no claymore


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zombiezapper115 · 6 months ago

Holy blade in big dick mode, and moonlight greatsword in normal mode are both very claymore like.


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TheOverBoss · 6 months ago

TBF 3 out of the 5 you listed are from the DLC expansions. When shadow of the erdtree finally drops I bet we will see how cool weapons can be in eldenring.


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eatingpastaonmars · 6 months ago

i'm more hyped for new weapons and armor than i am for the bosses tbh


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Best Weapons in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree (62)r/TwoBestFriendsPlay • [10]


So what weapons is are all of you using for shadow of the erdtree?

Posted by Amon274 · in r/TwoBestFriendsPlay · 1 month ago

Me personally I'm just using my good old colossal sword greatsword because hitting things with a giant hunk of iron is very effective.


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Simic_Sky_Swallower · 1 month ago

I've been doing non-boss content with the Backhand Blades, with a bleed infusion on my FTH/ARC build they shred basically everything and their AoW lets you dodge anything, it's ridiculously fun. For bosses I picked up the Fire Knight Greatsword with the flame skewer AoW and use that with my Dragon Communion incants


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igniz13 · 1 month ago

I would suggest occult over bleed if you're faith arcane. Bleed is only really useful if you're Str/Dex. Occult will increase the natural build up of the weapon and add damage.


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Spiritual_Box_9608 · 27 days ago

Back hand blades don’t come with passive bleed unfortunately so changing them to occult would not allow bleed build up which is huge for these bad boys. I have two pairs. One bleed and one occult as I have higher arcane than I do dexterity. So I primarily use the “bleed” ones for the game as a majority of enemies can bleed and when the ones that don’t. I bust out the occult ones for increased damage.


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Fluffy-Leopard-6074 · 27 days ago

I'm thinking of going into a faith/ arcane build too. Can I ask how your Fire Knight GS is infused, flame art?


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jamsbybetty · 1 month ago

I got a Black Iron Greathammer off of a knight that has a cool Guard Counter effect, gets boosted on Holy buffs, and hits like a truck.

If I need something faster I got the dual swords off those yellow-armored big guys and those are a hoot, especially with their ash that summons a pile of horns under an enemy at range.

I did just pick up the Dueling Shield but I'm in the back half of the DLC and I need to upgrade it more before it's viable.


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Giseigo · 1 month ago

I got the Dueling shield max. and it's not viable at all


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inferno845 · 24 days ago

I'm using the Eclipse Great Shield with Milady and Wing Stance. It's wonderful. The Evlopse Great shield goes really well with the Solitude armor set. You just have to have a lot of carry weight.


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WellComeToTheMachine · 1 month ago

Milady with the wing stance ash of war is carrying my ass thru this DLC. The dive kick thing it has is insanely good


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Deasmeister · 1 month ago

Also the R1 stance attack can just infinitely stagger enemies if you mash it, it's great.


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Nhig · 1 month ago

So I really like them a lot; I made them Blood and always 2-hand; with the changes to fist weapons this patch, the lights are kinda-sorta ass, but when fighting unlocked, free-aiming the lightspam can be very effective, but the heavies are where it’s at.

With Claw Talisman, I can infinite stunlock quite a few enemies with 2hand jumping heavies. I changed the weapon art to Bloodhound Step because i’m too used to Dynast’s Finesse and having a powerful dodge option, but that Palm Strike does MONSTROUS damage tho.


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TheArtistFKAMinty · 28 days ago

Really fun for general traversal, minor dungeon bosses, NPC fights, and some field bosses. I use dry leaf whirlwind (I think it's called?) for my AoW rather than palm strike but I admittedly never gave the latter much of a shot.

I usually have to swap to something else for the major Remembrance bosses because they don't really stagger, damage is kinda low with heavy infusion (albeit I don't have an optimal build because I wanted enough stats to try a tonne of stuff out, so I only have about 50 Str) and I can't keep the pressure up to inflict bleed with bleed infusion. That may be me being sh*t though.


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TheArtistFKAMinty · 1 month ago

I've been swapping as I go. Mostly using the following:

  • Milady (Light Greatsword) with Wing Stance.

  • Great Katana with Overhead Stance.

  • Greatsword of Solitude (Greatsword)

  • Fire Knight GS (Colossal GS) with Flame Skewer.

Also started playing around with the Great Épée (a great thrusting sword from the base game) and the deflecting tear. The guard counter is super quick and hits like a truck.

EDIT: I now exclusively do kung fu and you can't stop me.


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Best build for Elden Ring: Shadow of the ErdtreeElden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree gameplay tipsElden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree beginner's guide

AI Answer


Best weapons in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree

Here are a few key considerations for the best weapons in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree:

  1. Weapon Types: Elden Ring offers a variety of weapon types, including swords, axes, spears, hammers, and more. Each weapon type has its own unique moveset and playstyle, so consider your preferred combat style when choosing a weapon.

  2. Scaling and Attributes: Pay attention to the scaling and attributes of weapons. Some weapons may have higher scaling with certain stats like strength or dexterity, which can significantly impact their damage output. Choose a weapon that complements your character build.

  3. Special Effects: Some weapons in Elden Ring have special effects or abilities that can enhance your combat capabilities. These effects can range from increased critical damage to elemental damage bonuses. Consider weapons with special effects that align with your playstyle or offer strategic advantages.

  4. Durability and Repair: Weapons in Elden Ring have durability and will degrade over time with use. Look for weapons with good durability or easy repair options to ensure they remain effective during extended gameplay sessions.

  5. Availability and Progression: Keep in mind that certain weapons may only become available later in the game or require specific conditions to obtain. Consider your current progression and whether you have met any requirements to acquire powerful weapons.

Recommendation: As Elden Ring has not been released at the time of my training, specific information about the best weapons in the game is not available. However, it is recommended to explore different weapon types, experiment with their movesets, and choose weapons that synergize well with your character build and playstyle. Additionally, staying updated with the game's community and reviews after its release can provide valuable insights on the most effective weapons in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree.

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Best Weapons in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree (2024)
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