Rollin 60 Crip Codes (2025)

1. knowledge - Tight Music


  • CRIP knowledge and codes OATH......IN 69, CRIP WAS STARTED. WE STAND STRONG FROM FROM DA NORTH, TO DA SOUTH, EAST TO DA WEST, TO MY NEST, I PROMISE I WILL DO MY BEST. I WILL NEVER DENIE,ALWAYS RIDE. TO I LAY, IN MY NEST, BUT TILL THEN KING DAVID WILL HAVE MY BEST. IM A GANGXTA NOW TURNING BACC, KISS MY FLAG CUZ I LOVE MY RAG, GRAUD MY CEEDS TIL I BLEED, IF I SHOULD DIE, PLEASE DONT CRY. TAKE MY FLAG N USE IT TO RIDE, NEVA SET TRIP. ALWAYS C-RIP. LOVE MY FOLKS N MY LOCS. TIL I DIE, C'Z UP HIGH...................Crip prayerdefind all crips until i die forever throwing css in the skywhen i die place 3 css across my chest tell king hoover i did my best...let it rain let it drip u a slob or a crip bust a slobin his lip wacth his favorite color drip..Crip city pledgeWhen i die show meeh No pityBury me deep in Gangsta CityPlace 2 guages at my sidesA 6pt across my chestMy golden crown apon my headMy flag around my right wrista black one over my eyesand a slob's blood at my feetTell hoover I did my bestTell David to led my wayand jacob to open tha doorSheba to show purity wit a single tearI'm g...

2. Rollin 60s Neighborhood Crips - UnitedGangs.Com

  • The Rollin 60s Neighborhood Crips (R60NHC), also known as the Rich Rollin 60's are a large primarily African-American street gang located on the West Side ...

  • The Rollin 60s Neighborhood Crips (R60NHC), also known as the Rich Rollin 60’s are a large primarily African-American street gang located on the West Side of South Los Angeles, (formerly know…

Rollin 60s Neighborhood Crips - UnitedGangs.Com

3. CripzCode Crip prayer - CripzSide


  • Codesc 10 - stay on point c 600 - c's up c4 - gangsta c6 - cops c60 - fucc da cops 850 - b's down c318 - crip rule c40 - Everything is safe stay safe c41 - It aint safe c53 - whats craccin c51 - crip 4 life c187 - murder c-rip - beat that slobk up co-rip - kill that slobk, in other words c187. 159 hoover deuce hoover 4 life css up Crip - constructed revolution in people.... 1969 C-life or no-life blood - be loc out or die or bloods live only one day.. or booms live off of dog @#%$... red - rule every damue. cowboys - crips out west bangin on yall slobkz chaps - crips hate all pussy slobkz. pol...

4. Crips Knowledge - Wriggle Forum

Crips Knowledge - Wriggle Forum

5. what are all the crip codes? - Q&A -

  • Nov 28, 2003 · Crip machine is movin' on. Blue steel, blue flag, Crippin' hard, no turning back, Raise the "C" and hold it high, Forever forward, do or die,

  • RFC 1 - Host Software


  • Dec 7, 2008 · Crip are 360 degrees strong, 120 Knowledge, 120 Understanding, & 120 Respect. The crown is worn on your heart and mind and is a symbol of ...

  • The Crips are an alliance of individual street gangs. The Crips street gang alliance originated in Los Angeles, California. They are mainly ...

7. Rollin 60 Crip Knowledge - Tumblr

  • Once you've downloaded this e-book and studied it you will be able to start your own Rollin 60 Crip set.

  • Follow @rollin60cripknowledge-blog and get more of the good stuff by joining Tumblr today. Dive in!

Rollin 60 Crip Knowledge - Tumblr

8. [PDF] UBN Codes - Public Intelligence

  • 6 Riders-Crips. 60 Sec. head Rush-Cigarette. 600 Coup-It's On, No talking. 6006-Lay Low Fool. 666-It's On. 69-Shakedown. 6th Ave.-Friday. 7:45-Knife. 7:50-Gun.

9. [PDF] 148529NCJRS.pdf - Office of Justice Programs

  • Park Village Crips. Payback Crips. P.J. Watts Crips. Playboy Gangster Crips. Raymond Crip Sets ... Rollin 60's. Santan·a Block Crips. Schoolyard Crips. Shack Boys ...

10. About Me


  • DA CRIP POMEASHES 2 ASHESDUST 2 DUSTIN CRIPS WE TRUSTIN SLO6S WE 6USTU KILL A SLO6U WIN A PRIZEU KILL A CRIP UR WHOLE FAMILY DIES! C.R.A.6: Crips Rule All 6loodsS.L.O.6: 6itches Only Love Slo6s (baccwards)K.S.W.I.S.S: Kill Slo6s When I See Slo6sA.D.I.D.A.S: All Day I Dis Any Slo6N.I.K.E: *bleep* I Kill Every6odyS.O.X: Slo6s On Xacution6.A.N.G: 6loods Ain`t No Gang6.K: 6lood KillaC.K: Crip KingP.K: Piru KillV.L.K: Vice Lord KillaF.U.B.U: Folks Up 6loods UnderB.R.O.C.O.S: 6loods Recognize Only Notorious Crips Over Slo6sA.S.T.R.O.S: Always Shoot The Red Off Slo6sC.H.A.P.S: Crips hate All Priu & Slo6sC.O.P.S: Crips Out Punkin Slo6s6.L.O.O.D: 6e Loc`d Out Or DieS.L.O.6: Stay Loc`d Out 6itch6.L.O.O.D: 6loods Live Only One Day (FILA)FOLKS IN LOVE ALWAYS BLUED UP FROM THA SHOE UP,THATZ HOW I GREW UP 6 point star: stands for love, unity, money, loyalty, wisdom, and understanding. c 10 - stay on pointc 600 - c's upc4...

11. Rollin 60s NeighborHood Crips in Los Angeles, California – Hyde Park area

  • Westside Rollin 60s NeighborHood Crip [RSC, R.60s, NH R.60s] are a predominately African-American street gang in the Hyde Park area of South Los Angeles, ...

12. Neighbourhood Crip Rollin 6o's Research Paper - 123HelpMe

  • By 1972, there were about eight Neighborhood Crips Rollin' 60's gangs, which grew to about 45% in 1978. ... middle of paper ... ... Anderson discusses the code ...

  • Neighborhood Crips Rollin’ 6o’s An estimated 1.4 million people are active in more than 33,000 street, prison, and outlaw motorcycle gangs across the...

13. Rollin' 60s Neighborhood Crips | Historica Wiki - Fandom

  • Missing: codes | Show results with:codes

  • The Rollin' 60s Neighborhood Crips is a set of the Crips street gang based in Los Angeles, California. The Rollin' 60s were founded in 1976 from the Westside Crips, and they became one of the largest gangs in the Los Angeles area, with around 1,600 members. The gang became rivals with the Eight Trey Gangster Crips due to a dispute over a woman, and the "set tripping" resulted in the accidental killing of 27-year-old graphic artist Karen Toshima on 30 January 1988. By 2004, the Rollin' 60s were t

Rollin' 60s Neighborhood Crips | Historica Wiki - Fandom

14. NeighborHood Crips (NHC) - UnitedGangs.Com

  • The Neighborhood Crips became prominent in 1979, after the feud between the Rollin 60s Neighborhood Crips and the Eight Tray Gangster Crips. The aftermath of ...

  • The Neighborhood Crips (NHC) also known as N-Hood Crips or Hoodsta Crips, is made up of several individual African-American street gangs, located primarily on the West Side of South Los Angeles. Ca…

NeighborHood Crips (NHC) - UnitedGangs.Com
Rollin 60 Crip Codes (2025)


What does 6 mean in Crip? ›

The number 5 is commonly used by the Bloods, and the number 6 is used by the Crips. The up arrow through the 5 is showing respect to the Bloods while the down arrow through the 6 is showing disrespect to the Crips. To the right is an example of Crip graffiti.

What are the ranks in Rollin 60? ›

The gang is divided into various lines or subsets which are under the leadership of a "Big Homie,'' according to the 35-page federal indictment. Under each "Big Homie" there are four additional ranks: "Lil," "Baby," "Tiny," and "Infant."

Who does Rollin 60 Crips beef with? ›

Rollin' 60s Neighborhood Crips
"60's Crips" graffiti
Criminal activitiesRacketeering, murder, drug trafficking, arms trafficking, auto theft, armed robbery, burglary, extortion, fraud
AlliesRollin 40's and Rollin 90's NHCs
RivalsBloods, "Hoover factions", "Eight Trey Gangster Crip (83GC)"
4 more rows

What colors do Rollin 60 Crips wear? ›

The Crips primary color of identification is blue. The Crips will use blue/white beads, blue flags, and blue/white cloth- ing as identifiers. Some Crip sets include 8 Trey, Rollin 60s, Neighborhood Crips, Shotgun, Hoover, and Grape St., among many others. The Maniac Latin Disciples (MLD) primary color is blue.

What does 212 mean in blood code? ›

211-Robbery. 212-Let Me Holla At You.

What is the Crips motto? ›

Stones Folk Nation; Gangster Disciples Motto "Blood in, blood out”. “Crip for life”. Blood emphasizes shared history. Crips focus on community efforts, like 'Community Revolution in Progress' (CRIP).

Who is the OG of Crips? ›

Founded in Los Angeles, California, in 1969, mainly by Raymond Washington and Stanley Williams, the Crips began as an alliance between two autonomous gangs, and developed into a loosely connected network of individual "sets", often engaged in open warfare with one another.

Who is Big U Crip? ›

LOS ANGELES — Eugene “Big U” Henley is a music executive who helped launch the career of some famous rappers, including the late Nipsey Hussle. He is also the father of Chargers rookie linebacker Daiyan Henley. Big U spent 13 years in prison.

What is Crips short for? ›

The name and what it stands for remain in debate, with Crip possibly referring to the gang "crippling" its enemies or an acronym for "Community Revolution In Progress." Early on in the gang's history, the color blue came to be associated with the Crips, with gang members wearing blue clothing and bandanas.

What are the Crip sets? ›

Here are some of the more notable ones:
  • Rollin' 30s Harlem Crips.
  • Hoover Crips.
  • Venice Shoreline Crips.
  • ABZ Crips (a.k.a. the Asian Boyz)
  • Dog Pound Crips.
  • Grape Street Watts Crips.
  • Tongan Crip Gang.
  • Sons of Samoa.
Nov 18, 2020

Who are the 55 Crips? ›

55th Street Neighborhood Crips are a gang based and located in zSouth Los Angeles, Jameson and Cmac have evolved this faction to be more ruthless, more aggressive, and more hungry for the money bag, and have chosen Los Santos as our next stronghold location.

Who is the boss of the Crips? ›

Stanley Tookie Williams III (December 29, 1953 – December 13, 2005) was an American gangster who co-founded and led the Crips gang in Los Angeles. He and Raymond Washington formed an alliance in 1971 that established the Crips as Los Angeles' first major African-American street gang.

What color is the Crips blood? ›

Gang Identification

It is extremely important to realize and understand that not everyone who wears a particular color, or who has a tattoo, is a gang member. Bloods wear red, Crips wear blue. There are thousands of gangs in the U.S. and most identify with one or more colors of every description.

What color code are Crips? ›

Today, the Crips are one of the largest and most violent gangs, involved in murders, robberies, drug dealing and many other criminal pursuits. Crips identify with the color blue. Their biggest rivals are the Bloods and disrespect in many ways - calling them “slobs”.

Why do the Crips wear blue? ›

The Crips were well-known for their rivalry with the Bloods—even though infighting caused three times more deaths. In an effort to distingush between the gang members, the Crips began wearing blue clothing or other items, while the Bloods became associated with red.

What does 6 mean in slang? ›

Slang. the area directly behind a person; back: Check your six—there's a hottie approaching. the area directly behind a person in motion; tail: The pilot had an enemy plane on his six.

What does 6 mean hood? ›

The city's Eastside is known as Zone 6, both by the police, hip-hop artists, and many of the local residents. Occasionally, they shorten Zone 6 to just “the 6,” as well.

What does 6 mean in rap? ›

This is a nickname for the city of Toronto. Much like T.O., T-Dot, Hogtown, The Big Smoke, Toronto the Good - The 6 is a nickname that rapper Jimmy Prime came up with. Subsequently Drake used the name on his album "Views From the 6" and popularized elsewhere.

What are the Crip ranks? ›

Crip Set structures may vary from no formal leadership, to a hierarchy consisting of a leader, lieutenants, drug coordinators, soldiers and drug couriers.

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Author: Golda Nolan II

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Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.