The Record-Argus from Greenville, Pennsylvania (2024)

BRIGHT EVENING RECORD THE RECORD-ARGUS US Adbance Argus Stoneboro Citizen JAMESTOWN WORLD EIGHTY-EIGHTI! YEAR--No. COMPLETE ABBOCIATED PRESS JUNE 1986 FULL MARKET REPORTS 143 LEASED WIRE REPORTS GREENVILLE, TUESDAY, 16, NEWS OF THE WORLD ESTABLISHED 1040 LANDON CAMPAIGN MAY OPEN IN PARISHIONERS JOIN IN WALKOUT 3 He The Rev. David Freeman (center), pastor of Grace Presbyterian church in Philadelphia, was joined by some 80 members of his congregation when he left the church after the reading of an order banning him from the pulpit by the Philadelphia Presbytery. Loss than 100 people attended services in Central North Broad street church while more than 700 were at service In Lulu Temple, arranged by the Rev. Merrill T.

Macpherson, former pastor. Part. of the congregation walked out of McDowell Memorial church with Rev. Theodore J. Jamsma.

All three ministers had been dismissed by Philadelphia Prosbytery for refusing to withdraw from the Independent Board of Foreign Missions, regarded da a conservative organization. The new Presbyterian Church of America was formed last Thursday A8 a protest against modernist doctrine in the Presbyterian church. -(Associated Press Photo) DEMOCRAT 'OUT' WITH NEW DEAL Senator Copeland Will "Take a Walk" During Convention Week. Washington, June 16-(A)-Senator Copeland (D-NY), said today he intended to "take a walk to the Natonal Medical Society Convention" nt Cleveland while the Democrate na. tional convention, to which he was elected a delegate, is meeting in adelphia next week.

"I'm going to the Medical Society convention because I think I'll have a better time and do more good he said in an interview. AL SMITH MAY JOIN Copeland said he had not talked with Former Governor Alfred E. Smith of New York about any joint move to walk out of the Democratic meeting. Reports from New York said Smith has mado no train vation for the' trip to Philadelphia although he was elected a delegate at the April primaries. Copeland has several times described himself on the Senate floor as not belonging to the inner circle of lendera in the Roosevelt administration.

The Sonator has been out of step soveral times with the. Now Deal measures. 200,000 STRIKE IN BELGIUM Troops Mobilized Today: Labor Demands Granted in France. By Associated Prose Bolgium mobilized troops today to proteot public. services an the nation's industries were crippled by striko of about 200,000 workers, Soveral porsons were Injured dur-: ing the night in strike disorders and the government sought to prevent a spread of such France's widespread strikes tually were ended an employer rencrally gave Into the a strikers' demanda.

The new government of Premier Leon Blum sought to maintain pence. against ed political leagues" and extreme leftists, Spain's labor-political situation claimed five more lives, and the gOV ernment at Madrid ordered special labor tribunals to arbitrate strikers' demanda with employers. Produotion at the great Mere scalbo oll fielda in Venesuela was seriously curtailed by a strike which originated in a labor protest against "publlo order" law decreed by the government at Caracas Big Bend Woman to Face Assault Charge Information charging Mra John Youns, of the Big Read community with assault and battery and disor derly conduct were Aled this morn lpg by Leon before tice P. Davis has been set for thin evening Carpenter Corners church, John Owen for Invited BRIGHTON IA REPORT NEW COMPROMISE ON REVENUE House Conferees Hesitate to Accept New Proposal on Taxes. MEET TONIGHT TO BREAK DEADLOCK Roosevelt May Call for Action to Hasten Congress Adjournment.

By Associated Press Washington, June 16-Senate tax bill conferees today produced a new compromise plan for settling the' key troubles over corporation taxes, but it met with no immediate favor among House conferees. Chairman Doughton (D-NC) of the House group, seeking to reconcile differences with the Senate, said the Senators, who left a morning session carly, had submitted a "counter proposal." No details were given out. The House conferees said they wanted to study it before giving any intimation as to whether they might be inclined to accopt. Doughton said the conferees probably would meet tonight in an overtime attempt to negotiate some sort of compromise to break the deadlock which has gripped them a week and a half and which threatens to delay adjournment of Congress past the 'opening of the Democratio natonal convention. One source intimated that the new Senate proposition.

called for rotenton A. corporation income tax somewhat along lines of the existing levy, with a superimposed tax on undistributed corporate earnings a bit higher than the 7 per cent approved by the Senate. Word came from 'the White House during the day that President Roosevelt, before he left on his western trip last week, had invited the conferees to meet with him if their deadlock. persisted. On Capitol Hill there was talk that the president might discuss the controversial mensure with the confer(Continued on page 7) ICKES CANCELS CONTRACT $40,086 Steel Award to Pittsburgh Firm Withdrawn Today.

Washington, June 16-4P-Secretary: Ickes today cancelled a $40,086 contract with the Jones and Laughlin Steel company of Pittsburgh because, he said, it had been "found guilty by the National Labor Relationa: Board of unfair labor practicea." and Laughlin, with three other companies, had submitted Identical bids for sheet steel piling in constructing the Imporial dam on the. All American Canal In New MexIco, Ickes said the award was cancell. ed becauso the labor relationa board had, notified him of its decision that the company had conducted campalen of terror" against organization efforts of the mated Association of Iron, Steel and Tin Workers of North America, The labor board's suit to enforce an order against the company dented yesterday by the Federal Court of Appeals at. Now Orleans Interior department officials sorted, however, that Jokes decision to cancel the contract was reached before the court decision and that he war simply his discretion In deciding among identical bidders, Ca Offers Security with these lines: General Electria and Norge Mastrio Refrigorators, TARPAN GMA Philco Radios and Thor Washers and a dependable store for 50 veere to servo you. Bettor compare the prices this store and consider the proposition ever offered here.

N. N. Mom Co, Thursder 1 Wood Barb BONUS BONDS ARRIVE HERE FOR VETERANS Postoffice Reports 150 at Home to Meet Carriers Last Night. BALANCE TO GO IN REGULAR MAILS No Night Hours at Postoffice' to Complete Delivery. There's a happy smile today on the faces of Greenville's veterans of the Great World War.

The reason is that their longawaited "bonus" arrived day. Approximately 90 per cent of the "baby" bonds were distributed among the local exsoldiers through an extra delivery from the Greenville postoffice. The remainder were being sent out through the regular mail channels today. Postoffice authorities said today that approximately 150 veterans were on hand last night for the certification of the bonds. Others may call at any time in the future during the regular postoffice hours for certification, The certified bonds are sent each day to Pittsburgh, from where the checks are distributed directly to the veterans.

Legionnaires from -Post were on hand at the postoffice last night to aid in establishing the identity of the ex-soldiers, and to otherwise facilitate the distribution and certification of the bonds. Contrary to a previous announcement, the postoffice. will not remain open from 7 to 10 o'clock this evening for further certification of bonds. The "bonuses" against which no loans had been made, ranged from $100 to approximately $1,600, it was reported. 60 ENROLL AT THIEL SCHOOL Summer Session Starts, McNair to Lecture Thursday.

Summer sessions at Thiel college got under way yesterday morning with an enrollment that exceeded expectations. Prof. N. W. Harter, 'director of the sessions during the summer months, stated today that approximately 60 pupils had registered.

Friday and Saturday, and that late registrations still were' being made. The general courses will continue for six weeks, although eight-weeks courses have been arranged -in one or two subjects, Featuring the sessions this summer will bo a class in economics, taught by the much publicized Mayor William McNair, of the city. of Pittsburgh. Mayor McNair assured Prof, Harter by telegraph this morning of his presence for his fret class Thursday morning. The classes taught by Mayor MoNair, conducted every Thursday from 9:45 a.m.

to p.m. in the college auditorium, are open to the general public free of charge. Citi, sens are urged to take advantage of this unusual opportunity to hear and study under one of the most dis. cussed men in thia country, BONUS REFUSED BY MANY IN WAR SERVICE, REPORT TODAY Veterans' Group in Now York Give Funds to Aid Wounded and War. Widows; Mayor LaGuardia Fails to Apply, Judge Yankwich Denies Nation Owes Debt.

June bonus went bession in several ters today, Ani Uncle Ram Anished distributing in baby bonds 10. 000. 090 World War veterans urned to the Job preferred there fain potential who politely "No. thank you" Donald Hobart the American Veteran which claims 18.000 novaced In Now York and 400 member turning Oldest Firemen Leave Service Dorsie Winans and C. W.

Gackenbach Tender Their Resignations. MONTHLY MEETING HELD LAST NIGHT Nearly half a century of untiring effort in the protection of life and property in the borough of Greenville against fire loss has ended for, the two oldest members of the Greenville Fire Department. Retirements effective July 1 were tendered to Chief Ralph D. Callahan by Charles W. Gackenbach and Dorsle Winans at the regular monthly department gathering in the city bullding yesterday evening.

They retire on pension. Years before the turn of the 20th century, when being a member of a fire company meant frequent fistcuffs, water battles and gala competitive events in addition to the more serious side of the firemen's duties, Mr. Gackenbach and Mr. Winans began their period of public service as firemen. To Dorsie Winans goes the distinction of having been a regular member of the Greenville fire department longer than any other today.

His record of continuous service extends from 1893 to 1936-a span of 43 years. An even longer record is that of Mr. Gackenbach who first joined the local fire fighting unit ag a schoolboy in 1888. His membership during the succeeding 48 years has been practically I continuous. Both men got their start in the (Continued on page 7) "KEY" SECURITY BILLS PROVIDED State Senate Passes Three Measures in Earle's Program Today.

Pe Harrisburg, June 16-(P)-The Pennsylvania Senate, controlled by organized Republicans, passed three of the "key" bills in New Deal Governor Earle's Social Security program today. The measures went back to the House, however, with amendments. Two of the bills deal with Mothers' Assistance, and the other OldAge Pensions. The pripcipal bill, to. make the Mothers'.

Assistance system conform with Federal rules, was changed to permit, three county appointments commissioners to boards to administering the funds and increased the membership from seven to nine. The bill was approved 41 to 2, Backman, Bucks and Shapiro, Philadelphia, both Republicans, casting the only votes against it. Shapiro running for re-election as a Democrat. The other measure would bring under Mothers'. Assistance ayetem elght counties not now participating, It was approved 39.

to 1, Buckman voting This bill was changed to provide that it would become invalid if the Federal Security Act were declared unconstitutional. CRASH VICTIMS BROUGHT HERE One of Five Injured Sheakleyville Men Is in Greenville Hospital, Five Sheakleyville young. men who figured in an accident Sunday evening near Chardon, 0., that suited in the death of Anton Widmir, 88, of: Cleveland, were being returned to their homes and to the Greenville hospital last' night and today in various stages of recovery. An ambulance was dispatched to the Paine ville, hospital this morning for Carl Gow, driver of the Sheakleyville machine which we. struck head-on by one operated by Widmir, Henry Martin was brought to the Greenville hospital by ambu.

lance yesterday. At the hospital today it was stated tha Martin was getting along as well as can he ex. pected. Albert Chenowith and Glenn Gow, less periously Injured, returned home from Painesville last pight in the company of Mr. and Mra.

Clarence Caldwell. Howard Caldwell: Was Ins brought home today by Mra Alice Kelso Carl Gow has exonerated of all blames grade which. took Widmin GOP LEADERS TO DISCUSS PLAN TODAY Old- Retire DORSIE WINANS CHAS. W. GACKENBACH They resigned from the Greenville Fire Department last night after total combined service of more than 90 years.

PENALTIES ARE FIXED BY COURT Judge Rowley Sees Head Men Hiding Behind Convicted Men. There may have been a warning in the statement of Judge George H. Rowley in court today when several "numbers" writers were before him and comparatively light sentences imposed, that men higher up were hiding behind them, The court set comparatively light penalties, which he stated was not entirely due to the fact that most of them were youthful and one an elderly man. The court intimated its opinion that others were securing safety at the expense of these men. Sam Busco, 42, of Farrell, was today sentenced to pay a fine of $1 and costs and to undergo an 1m- prisonment of two to four years in the Western Penitentiary.

He was charged with felonious assault and battery on Dr. William M. Writt, Farrell physician, on April 11, when he struck him, allegedly, four times over the head with a steel bar. He had pleaded guilty, Glocone Carcelli, of Jackson Center, R. D.

8, costs, $1000 fine or six months in the county fall. He was charged with the unlawful mapufacture and possession of Illegal liquor and pleaded guilty, The still was found on the McQuaid farm In Lake township. Paul Howard, of Sharon, was sentonced to pay the costs and to undergo imprisonment of three months in the county jail on: a "pumbers" charge. Simon Pearlman, convicted by a Jury on the same charge, was sontenced to costs, a $300 fine or three months in the county fall. George Solyan, of Sharon, aged 19.

who pleaded guilty to selling numbers," WAS sentenced to pay a fine of $100 and costs or 80 days in the county fall. Martin Lotcher, Sharon, convicted of selling "numbers." was sontenced. to pay A tine of $800, coats, or three montha in the county fall; The care of John Boycan, Ir. of Springfield township, charged with operatipe a motor vehicle while. toxicated in the borough of Mercer on Memorial Day, Wea sentenced to (Continued on pare 1) Harry Only four more day to buy plante half price Baird' Knox Meets With Gov.

Landon at Parley in Topeka Today. CROWDS CHEER PARTY NOMINEES Suggest First Speech at West Middlesex, Lan. don's Birthplace. Fredericktown, June 16- -Mr, and Mrs. Harry Worthington leave nothing behind when en they 1 move.

They placed their five-room bungalow atop a huge truck and took it to a new location in this Washington county town. Nothing in the rooms was disturbed. MODERN MOVING COUGHLIN TO "STUN" PARTIES Hinted By Priest He 1 About to Launch Third Party. Detroit, Juno. 16-(P)-The Charles E.

Coughlin announced today in his weekly, publication, Social Justice, that the National Union for Social Justice is "preparing for an activity which will stun the socialistic-minded Democrats and stupefy the stuff-shirt Republicans of the Grand Canyon of Wall Street." The priest hinted that he WAS planning a third party move of some kind, and that he would step aside an the titular, but not the actual leader, of the movement. "I have promised you that as long AB remained your legal preaident it would be impossible for the Nattonal Union to become poltical party, because I would be forced to sacrifice my. standing in the church of which I am a member," the announcement: read. "Priests may be interested in politico! but priests may not lead a political party which has a candidate for, president or Father Coughlin said recently that he would make an important anpouncement in New York Friday. His ottico maid today that he was "out of town' for several days." WORK TO BEGIN ON G.

CITY RD. County Agrees to Assume Property Damage Along Four Miles: The Mercer county commissioners yesterday paaned resolution: to assume all property damage along Route the Mercer Grove city exclusive of damages to publio or property of publio utilities, which insures the completion of four. mile strip of conorete. The contract for the road will be awarded by the early date, the approval of the commisMonere being the only bold up. with funds provided by the Vederal ernment Paved the present lead out from both Mercer and Grove City with stretch to paved under number black top played with and the road was badly 3 DIE IN ERIE CAR ACCIDENTS Cleveland Couple Victims of Crash; Unidentified Boy Dies on Highway.

Erie. June 16-49-A Cleveland couple and an: unidentified boy were killed in two highway accidents near Erie within a half hour this noon. Deputy Coroner W. O. Wilson said the two victims of a crash on Route 20 two miles east of North East had been Identified as Mr.

and Mrs. William P. Byrne, 746 East 118th street, Cleveland. Mrs. Byrne was driving the car when it collided with a truck.

driven by Fred Whipple, of Erle according to Wilson, who said both Cleveland residents were dead when taken from the wreckage. Whipple was uninjured. The boy was killed when his. bicycle slipped beneath a road scrap-. er to which he was clinging for tow ride on Route 19, three miles south of Erie.

George Rico, of Erle, driving the scraper, told Coroner W. G. Stroble he had previously ed the boy away from the scrapers. There were no marks of identifica: tion on the boy's clothing. Jackson Center Man to Have Hearing Today Joe Roll- was arrested yesterday in Jackson Center and sent to fall as a vagrant.

He is to have a hear. ing today before Squire J. T. Black, at Jackson Center, It is said he had been making himself a nuisance to residents of that vicinity. Mercer Council Awards Contract for Sewer Tile Mercer borough council last night awarded a contract to" Bert: Adama to supply 3800 feet of tile for WPA project sewer, AT THE HOSPITAL Robert Brown was discharged this morning.

Phillip Hints, Plum street, under: went an operation for: appendicitia this morning. By. Associated Press Topeka, June 16 Gov. Alf M. Landon and Col.

Frank Knox clasped hands today with an avowed determination to "let the truth be known about the vital issues of the campaign" and to lead the Republican party to victory in the November presidential election. John D. M. Hamilton, the new Republican national chairman, was at Landon's elbow with Henry P. Fletcher the retiring chair.

man, nearby to advise, Present with the new party leadership also were such veterans: as Charles D. Hilles of New York, and Ralph E. Williams of Oregon, national FAVORS WEST MIDDLESEX: A plan for Gov. Landon to open his presidential campaign with an address at his birthplace, West Middlesex, had the tentative. api proval of the Republican strategists, Mrs.

Marjorie M. Scranton, nation. al- committeewoman for Pennsylvania, said: "I think West Middlesex the logical place for Gov. Landon to start his campaign. We would be delighted to have him start the battle there." Hilles commented: "This is my first time to, meet Governor Landon.

I am most anxlous that the East see and hear him so I might learn what manner. of man he is." APPROVE PLAN Hilles said he understood the lead. ers had virtually agreed on the plan to open the campaign at West Middiesex. Meeting for the first time as Republican presidential and vice-prestdential nominees, Landon and Knox stood on the steps of the Kansan f. capitol "in good corn growing weather" and chatted confidently preparatory to a vital study of strategy with the high command of their party.

The robust former "rough (Continued on page 7) DOUBLE GETS PRISON TERM Confessed Sister Slayer Sentenced to Life in Penitentiary, Butler, June 16-(P) Judge John H. Wilson sentenced William Elmer Double, 68, to ilife imprisonment today for killing his sister. The prisoner was taken' to Wertern Penitentiary at Pittsburgh by Sheriff Dewitt Stevenson, Mrs. Laura Double Kelly, 18, slain at her farm home March 01 Double admitted he hit her with broom but claimed he had no inten tion of killing her. Three day.

ed Mrs, Kelly's body was found well, Double disappeared but officers arrested him In Washington. D. C. County. Detective Paul P.

Smith maid he copteased. He said the association la definitely opposed to preferential treatment of veterans who were pot but added there was no on ranized move refuse the bonua. Now York's mayor, F. H. Laguarwent without his bonus for sore that included nation en aviathe Italian front.

He barns even applied for Vatted States Judge wald he to felt that the nation MY The Now Leonard The sensational refrigerator for 1010 will serve you better. Bee It before you. buy any electric refrigerators The Gibson Furniture Co, All Porch Plants 60, 100, 15c, at Reirde Green bound this week only. RCA Special trade in Brom. Weather.

The Record-Argus from Greenville, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Rubie Ullrich

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.